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Bigger than Aug 2017 Solar Eclipse? DROP EVERYTHING; Latest from Cobra -Jan 20th/21st Lunar Eclipse

Writer's picture: Jim TourtsakisJim Tourtsakis

With the unprecedented 20+ astrological aspects aligning on the upcoming Full Moon Lunar Eclipse...

... never-mind the THREE Stargates (actual Plasma tubes) to Sirius, the Pleiades, and the Galactic Center....all connecting to this Super Moon....

....that also happens to be on a Lunar Eclipse path ... that so happens to cover ALL of North and South America...plus some...

I already knew this was going to not only be the biggest thing that's happened to this planet in a very long time ...

.... but after talking with Cobra.... who clarified certain things ... even Mr Arcturian Grunt here had to do some serious GROUNDING techniques to accrete the ramifications of what it's possible for us to achieve at this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse....

....if we show up !!!


(German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, and Romanian Transcripts are at bottom of this page)

.... as part of your preparation for what is shaping up to be the biggest thing since; I-don't-know-when ... to be honest.


To stream the audio right here, click the play button in the embed box below, straight from the Ground Crew Command radio page on Blog Talk.

It's the latest media appearance by Cobra, so tune in now to find out:

  • the reasons why this could be a MUCH bigger breakthrough even than the massive one we achieved on the Aug 21st, 2017 Solar Eclipse Mass Meditation .... which accelerated Planetary Liberation so much... we're talking opportunity for a QUANTUM LEAP here....

  • what symptoms to watch out to know that darkness is DESPERATELY trying to prevent you - and the planet - from making this QUANTUM LEAP, by keeping you from participating in this HUGE Event.

  • and how ... FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER IN UNIVERSAL HISTORY ... the earth will attempt to establish a connection with the COSMIC (Universal) CENTRAL SUN ... (IF ENOUGH PEOPLE JOIN IN & MEDITATE) and why this moment has potential for a never before experienced quantum shift on this planet.

  • crazy ramifications of the 3 STARGATES that will open up on this fateful moment, and what we need to do about that to make sure that we achieve the FULLEST potential impact for planetary liberation ... which means; for all LIGHTWORKERS ... reunion with your galactic (true) family and freedom!

  • ... and MUCH more!


in your Time Zone



Okay, Cobra, an astrologer friend has been freaking out, when he tried to asses all the higher than usual number of aspects with this Lunar Eclipse, it’s 20 of them, as you said on your blog … Then he freaked out even more when he also did the numerological reading of the Lunar Eclipse Event, and combined it with the Astrological reading. He said that this year could be the year we’ve all been waiting for. So without being sensationalist about it … do you agree the dam wall is most likely to finally break wide open some time this year … especially if the Mass Meditation participation is higher than usual?


Basically I’m not dealing with any predictions in any way because I think that people are too focused on the final outcome – when the Event will happen – everybody is guessing when this will happen. This is not the point. The point is that we’re organically cooperating and contributing to the whole process. It’s not just and external event happening to us. We are not passive observers. We are co-creators of this. So when the Event will happen is the wrong question in my opinion.


Yep. I’ve always agreed with that in terms of the whole theme of leaving the wait club and just focus on doing in the now moment, I guess. Um…okay….let me just continue straight into the aspects. What are the some of the most important of the 20 aspects that the planets and asteroids in this chart are making with the Galactic Center, such as the Pleiades, and Sirius?


Okay, actually in this chart there are a few configurations I’d like to mention. The first is the Grand Cross configuration which puts many of the planets in extreme tension which resolves in a huge breakthrough. This breakthrough is not determined - how it will happen or what the exact breakthrough will be - but there will definitely be a sudden and intense rush of energies entering the planetary situation. Then we have many aspects to the Galactic Center. Also we have many aspects to the Pleiades and many aspects to Sirius. So many planets and asteroids are activating those three Stargates. It means that those three Stargates will be very active in the whole process during our Return of Light Meditation and during the Lunar Eclipse. I could mention those aspects one by one but I don’t think….these are technical details…I don’t think that’s important. If you want, I can name some of them….it’s up to you.


Yeah, only a couple of them because there’s a total of twenty…so just a couple of the main ones that you think will help for people to know or be aware of.


Okay, basically, Pallas is aspecting the Galactic Center, Mercury is aspecting the Galactic Center, Chyron is aspecting the Galactic Center, Uranus is aspecting the Galactic Center, the Lunar Node is aspecting the Galactic Center. So this is just a few of them that are triggering the Galactic Center. Then the Moon is aspecting the Pleiades, we have the Sun also aspecting the Pleiades, we have Chyron aspecting the Pleiades, Uranus aspecting the Pleiades. We have Mars aspecting Sirius, we have Saturn aspecting Sirius, we have Venus aspecting Sirius, we have Jupiter aspecting Sirius, Neptune aspecting Sirius, and so on. Basically almost all planets and all asteroids in the chart are aspecting one of those three Stargates, which is amazing. This is simply a very strong configuration. On top of that we have the Grand Cross which is super intense.


Yeah, it’s quite astonishing how it’s all coalescing into this one grand NOW moment, which, folks, presents a massive opportunity for us all…..which is the main theme of this interview as it relates to the lunar eclipse and all these aspects. Now what does it mean that they trigger the Galactic Center if that’s the right question?


It means that there’s a certain…okay, each astrological aspect creates a resonance field throughout the solar system. And if there is an aspect it creates a doorway – a pathway from that particular stargate, throughout the solar system, towards the surface of this planet. So those three stargates being activated means that there are three different hyperdimensional plasma streams that will open a way for the energies of the Galactic Center, the energies of the Pleiades, and the energies of Sirius to rush through the solar system and touch the surface of this planet.


Wow. Quite huge. Okay, that’s pretty huge. So…okay…what does it mean when a planet or asteroid is aspecting Sirius in particular….does this imply that Sirians would be more involved in planetary liberation at that point than beings from other planets or what can you tell us about that, if anything?


Again, the energy of the Sirius stargate will begin flowing through that plasma …I would say plasma hyperdimensional tube towards the surface of the planet. And of course Sirians, as they’re more aligned with that particular star system will be extremely active, and again, also the Pleiadians will be active as we have the same aspect to the Pleiades. And the Central Race will also be quite active. So this is like…I would say three of the key positive extra-terrestrial races will be extremely involved in this particular activation.


Well that dovetails into the next question which was the aspects of the Pleiadian Alcyone Stargate…so this just one of those stargates that’s going to get activated during the eclipse?


Yes, it’s the same principle.


Okay, now, is there….partly to give people a conscious reference point with past experiences, I guess…um, is there an energetic connection between the huge and pivotal December 21, 2012 Solstice and this Lunar Eclipse on the 21st of January?


There is no direct correlation between the two…they are completely different energies, completely different configurations, and there is a completely different background to all this.


But in terms of proportions, scope, ramifications….are we dealing with something that’s at the same level, if you will, as the 21st of December, 2012?


At the same level, yes. Yes.


Okay, so really note that, everybody. This is why we’re really….it’s a case of all hands on deck….for the mass meditation on the 20th and 21st of this month. Make sure you’re there. Now, has there been any type of time manipulation…as one example, Thomas Williams has spoken of a 4 year time loop, and things like that, that may have prevented us from seeing some of the changes that happened in December 2012 at the physical level? Do you know anything about this?


No, it’s not true.


Now is there any energetic connection between this Total Lunar Eclipse of 2019 over all of the Americas to the Total Solar Eclipse over all of the USA in 2017 last August? Is there a chance to take those energies and expand the changes now?


Okay, Actually yes, there is a correlation. That meditation on the 21st of August 2017 over the United States has triggered a certain process which was going on between then and now… and now we are upgrading this whole situation…we have gone…we have passed the test so to speak… and we are now expanding this the next level.


OK, that’s great to hear. So to clarify, if the critical mass of mass meditators is reached in particular, we’re looking at the same level of breakthrough as what we had on the 21st of Aug 2017 last year with the Solar Eclipse. Would you agree with that?


That was the year before last…it was 2017…now it’s 2019. But actually we are looking at a greater impact this time.


There you go, folks. It’s time to seize this…drop everything and really seize this. There you go…confirmed by Cobra. So, some people are saying “If it’s in the stars, it will happen” so we don’t need to “push”, so to speak, to make sure we get critical mass. Now , first of all, would you agree with that?


Okay if it is in the stars, it will remain in the stars. If you want to make it happen, you need to take physical action.


Alright. Perfect. Why is our involvement in meditating in a truly unified way on the surface of the planet critical to making things happen much faster…and smoother?


Because the transformation…the breakthrough…needs to happen through the surface population. If you want to experience this transition through the surface population, there need to be people on the surface that will channel the energies for the transition …there is no other way…there is no way around this.


Yeah, okay, there you go. Alright, so are we simply green lighting the shift, so to speak, and giving our agreement to experience the Golden Age or is there something more esoteric about how our bodies, DNA, and energy systems can work with the stargates during this eclipse?


Okay, basically the eclipse is the moment of no time…it’s a moment with a direct connection with the 5th and higher dimensions. It is the moment of freewill decision. It is a moment where quantum leaps are possible. So you can use the energy of the eclipse to make a decision to trigger a quantum….a quantum shift in your consciousness, and in your manifestation process. And planetarily speaking… globally speaking, we will be effectively creating a certain quantum leap in the planetary situation…and I would say…that certain new processes that lead towards the planetary liberation will be initiated at that moment … and I’m not allowed to speak about that in detail yet.


Yes, understood. Again, folks, it just yet again underscores the need to be active and participate on that pretty pivotal and critical day. Now, how do the Chimera and Archons interfere with what’s supposed to happen, I suppose generally speaking.…and how can humans meditating on the surface of the planet help counteract that, and make sure that what is “written in the stars” will actually happen to its fullest potential? …


Basically, what the Chimera are doing…or the Archons are doing…they are dissuading people from meditating on that day by pressuring their weak psychological spots… by diverting their attention to other things… by making them forget….by making them discouraged to participate… This is the main strategy they use. And, again, this is a war…this is not a picnic…so people who are meditating are pushing towards the victory … towards the liberation and everybody who is participating counts…and again I cannot promise quick results. This situation on the planet is much tougher than anybody has expected. So we need to push forward until we make it… that’s all we can do…. there is no other thing we can do.


Yeah, that’s right. Very well said. Okay…is there more to the story of what happens multidimensionally when we do critical mass meditations? For example … are there multi-dimensional versions of ourselves that are participating in the activity on different planes of existence?


Yes, of course. Your physical consciousness is taking care of the physical aspect of the activation, while your higher self and higher aspects of your being are taking care of higher dimensional aspects of the same activation, so everything is covered…everything is being transformed.


And it’s all unraveled and unleashed in terms of our potentiality when the physical participation occurs very consciously and deliberately, right.


Right, yes, exactly.


Does the physical participation have to happen, to trigger the multidimensional aspects, just to make sure there’s no confusion with this?


Yes, of course. The physical participation needs to happen if we want to trigger the multi-dimensional transformation regarding the surface of this planet.


Okay, there you go folks. You heard that loud and clear. Alright. Now, with Uranus in a T-Square to the Sun in the 4th house of foundations (and opposing the Moon at the same time), is this a time when ordinary people may suddenly flip, if you will, and “connect the dots” a lot more easily and start waking up the masses?


Okay, I would say that those of the so-called star seeds that have not been awakened yet up until this point may suddenly have this “Ah Ha!” moment and suddenly awake to this higher reality and to the the state of the situation on this planet. And also the masses might receive some revelations through the mass media. There are things being prepared from behind the scenes that might be revealed around that time.


Yeah. And again, folks, it needs our support for that kind of…for the Earth Alliance I guess…to help them bring that out. We’re playing such a crucial role here. So always remember that. Okay, how can we connect with and use the Sirian Stargate and the Pleiadian Alcyone Stargate to help bring in Source Energy from the Galactic Central Sun … In other words, how do we connect to these Stargates energetically?


Okay, the most effective way is when there’s a clear night out there. You go out and just connect… and watch…observe Sirius Star and watch and observe the Pleiades. They are both visible in the Northern Hemisphere right now so that would not be too difficult to do in the next…I would say…six or seven or eight nights before the activation itself. You can also connect with Sirius Star Stargate through a cintamani stone and you can connect with the Pleaidian Stargate through a moldavite stone.


Fantastic. And how does our connecting to them help more Source Energy arrive on the surface of the planet?


Okay, the Sirius and the Pleiadian Stargates are two main source of Source energy, filtered, of course, through various dimensions that assist in the planetary liberation process.


Certainly. Okay, you mentioned on your post for this meditation that there is a deadlock between the Light & Dark forces on the surface of this planet, anyway. Now, what are just a couple of examples of this deadlock, that people aren’t or may not be aware of. Example, we all know the Cabal or establishment media is maintaining some degree of control over people’s consciousness which is keeping the unconscious majority divided. What else is there, in terms of what you’re allowed to say?


Okay, the main deadlock is of course the toplet bombs. The toplet bombs are the main reason why there is no direct action taken at the moment. The other deadlock I would like to mention is the situation with implants. Most people refuse to awaken simply because their implants are so strong. And the third aspect which is quite active here is misinformation…or disinformation spread through the internet. I would say right now more than 80% of anything that’s written in alternative media is misinformation. And people are simply bombarded with so many unproven statements through alternative media that the whole thing has lost its meaning and it’s actually becoming a distraction.


Good point. That’s a really important point to raise and be aware of. Of course, folks, it doesn’t mean ignore or dismiss any and all information that you come across…but well…we’re certainly doing our best to provide unfiltered, accurate, aligned, information here and obviously Cobra’s doing his best as well, needless to say. Okay, now, the Americas have for a long time been considered as, the ‘New World’ at least by Western civilization … and I suspect they also holds the most Atlantean energy. Then there’s the fact that the eclipse maximum reaches all the way to the west coast of Africa. Now, does this mean the last…hopefully the last layers of unresolved Atlantean energies & its collapse … will surface, for us to clear during the meditation … during the eclipse?


Okay I would not agree that the Americas are the place with the most Atlantean energy. This is one of the places with Atlantean energy and this particular activation is not so much connected to the clearing of unresolved Atlantean energies. It is connected to something else.


Okay. Are you allow to reveal what it's….


No. No.


Okay. Now was there a particular reason you chose to do the Astrological Chart for this meditation over New York in terms of the time you set? Is New York particularly significant in this eclipse due to Wall Street being right there in Manhattan, by any chance?


New York is quite significant. On of the … I would say … more significant vortex points for this meditation but not because of Manhattan or even Wall Street so… there is another reason for this.


Gotcha. All of New York, particularly Long Island, used to be extremely sacred to the 13 Native American tribes who lived in the area. Now is there any special way that New York and Long Island may become activated at this eclipse?


I would say all vortexes along the eclipse path will be activated….not only Long Island.


Okay. Alright. Very interesting. Now are the Light Forces, particularly the off-world groups that you work with … expecting extreme resistance from physical & non-physical darkness, before and during the Lunar Eclipse Mass Meditation?


Okay, what has been expected is already happening. There’s a very strong resistance starting from the partial solar eclipse which happened … I think it was on the 6th of January. In those two weeks leading towards the lunar eclipse, there is a lot of purification, which is quite intense and it can sometimes reach brutal levels. This purification clears some of the darker aspects of suppressed human psyche and can lead to increased violence and the Light Forces are doing everything they can to reduce the level of violence in that particular time frame.


Yeah, definitely. That’s great. Alright…now if so … are we, the surface Lightworker population being looked at… not necessarily relied upon, but looked at by many off-world groups to participate in this mass meditation to not just anchor Light, but to also hold the energies steady for the planet & the unconscious majority on the surface to be able absorb & accrete the Light?


Basically, yes. Whenever you are anchoring Light, you’re also stabilizing the energy pattern on the surface of the planet. These are two sides of the same coin. So anybody that is anchoring light in any way is stabilizing the planetary energy grid.


Yeah. Again, folks, another reminder of the critical role…and that’s another huge role that we’re playing which is to stabilize things … keeping things stable and smooth…huge, huge responsibility that you and I have… so always keep that kind of thing in mind. Now, you mentioned that the Cosmic Central Sun will send out a huge pulse of Light throughout all of creation … and this will trigger the beginning of the final removal of darkness from all creation….and that this Cosmic Central Sun is obviously something different or we’re assuming it’s something different from the Galactic Central Sun but you’ve rarely spoken about it in the past. Now, why is it getting prominence now, given that this Lunar Eclipse Event is something happening only in a tiny part of this galaxy … that being our solar system & Zodiac… let alone a tiny part of All-That-Is?


Okay, each mass meditation that we did is creating or building a connection between our physical world and higher dimensions. And each of the successful meditations deepens and expands that connection and creates our link with the Source stronger and so we have been progressing slowly towards the point where we can for the first time begin to connect consciously with the Cosmic Central Sun. The Cosmic Central Sun is far beyond and far more powerful than the Galactic Central Sun. The Galactic Central Sun only oversees the evolution of this particular galaxy whereas the Cosmic Central Sun oversees the evolution of this whole Universe … and for the first time the direct connection will be made. Actually, nobody knows how that connection looks like…because nobody in the last…I would say…14 billion years of cosmic history has created this connection, so we are in one of the key moments in the evolution which is leading from the past cosmic cycle to the new cosmic cycle. And as you probably know, this planet is key in this process because this is the final focal point of darkness as a principle in this particular Universe. So this is the reason why this eclipse is not just a small tiny eclipse on a small tiny planet orbiting a small tiny average star at the outskirts of a small galaxy. It is a focal point of transformation of cosmic importance. And this is why we are here. We have been chosen to be here. We have been planning to be here. And now in this particular moment specifically for that particular purpose of assisting in the turning point of this cosmic cycle during this eclipse and to connect directly the surface of this planet to the Cosmic Central Sun so the next phase of our compression breakthrough can be initiated.


Wow. That is so huge. Okay, so we’re quite literally at a universal level … if not at a multiversal level, making history, partly because this hasn’t been done before… at least from a deep physical level of density … is that fair to say?


It has never been done before in this way in this particular Universe. It is the first time. So we definitely don’t know what to expect.


Yeah. Very much unchartered territory… which is very exciting. And has it happened or been done in any other Universe? If you know?


It has been done before, but as you know, each Universe that has been created had a different structure… different conditions… and this is the only universe that has experienced darkness…or I would say the only Universe that exists… that still exists now… that has experienced darkness and so this particular situation is unique.


Okay. But has it been done from a physical level of density in any other Universe?


Yes. But without a strong presence of primary anomaly.


Ah, well that makes it quite different and unique I guess…to say the least. Okay, well, this is huge, folks. You know we just yet again confirmed the fact that you’re a part of history and we are all together quite literally making history, doing something that hasn’t been done before. You heard it from the horse’s mouth. This is so profound…and good reason to get excited and participate this coming Sunday or Monday…wherever you are in the world. Let me see here…. are off-world positive groups fully aware and do they fully appreciate the extent of the extreme damage & multiple layers of suppression of the surface Lightworker population … and how much this situation has clearly affected the participation rates of the surface population in mass meditations?


Okay, this is a difficult question, simply because off-world positive groups do not have the same experience that we have on the surface of the planet. They can see what’s happening but they have no idea how an actual experience of being on the surface of the planet cut off from Light and from support…how it really feels and how it really looks like. So they have their own idea and understanding, which is, I would say…far, far from truth because they do not have a direct experience. It is simply if you would… somebody will ask you how do you think children in Africa feel when they are starving to death… you have no idea. You can see pictures on TV and you have some idea about it but you have no idea how it really feel like. And this is the same how those off-world positive forces cannot really understand what the surface population is going through.


Yeah. That’s what I thought. It’s one of those classic cases of where you can only really understand something when you go through it yourself and then you really get it. One critical thing to talk about is… if positive off-world groups directly intervene in clearing & healing members of the surface population in order to better fulfill their soul potential & soul purpose … will this trigger direct intervention from negative off-world groups whether it’s physical or non-physical?


Yes, of course. This is the main reason why the Light Forces are not intervening because there would be an immediate retaliation of negative groups. This is the main problem we have on this planet.


One thing I better ask is if there were no plasma toplet bombs or threat of retaliation with plasma toplet bombs in particular, would this be safe? Would it make it safe or directly…


Yes. Everything else, the Light Forces are able to cover right now. So if all the toplet bombs are removed, we would have the Event in 15 minutes.


Okay. Alright. So do the “144,000” Starseeds who came to this planet through Stargates, particularly through Sirius and the Pleiades as a soul family mandala, with the purpose of liberating Earth (and who are also thought to be the pieces… each of them a piece or a shard of the Holy Grail) have a huge role to play at the time of this eclipse?




Okay. And what is there special role? Is there anything else that you can add to that that hasn’t really been discussed in the past.


Not at the moment. Not yet. I might say more after the meditation is over.


Okay. Well there you go, folks. It just goes to show that you’re part of a very real…literal… and legitimate operation – a planetary liberation operation. So do take it seriously, as if it was a matrix career. Well, even more seriously than that. Okay, huge, huge things. Cobra, I want to briefly get into the hierarchy of darkness on the physical plane. We had Thomas Williams on the show about three weeks ago and he just quickly explained how, as far as the physical plane is concerned, how there was … there was … I like to think there isn’t anymore, but anyway, there was the Draco at the top… we’ll set aside the Chimera for now… Draco at the top and underneath are these so-called “parents” about 20 or 21 of them… that seemed to be made up of nanotech and are immortal for the most part… and they’re sort of below the Draco and each one of these parents, so to speak, are in charge of groups… that are generally called black magicians. Okay…. known as covens as the name of the groups… and then beneath them you have the black nobility bloodlines. Do you know specifically about these black magician or covens groups yourself? Have you come across information and are they indeed black magicians?


Okay. Basically he is describing the Illuminati structure and some of those Dracos are at the top of the Illuminati structure but above them is the Black Nobility so those… I would say… black magician covens are the basic organic structure of the Illuminati network throughout the planet.


Okay. And you’re saying they’re one level beneath the Black Nobility bloodlines. Is that correct?




Yeah. Okay. Well either way, they’re certainly around the top. Okay, quick status update with the non-physical planes… particularly the plasma plane and the plasma toplet bombs. First of all, is the plasma plane still the main obstacle that needs to be cleared, because that’s where most of the primary anomaly still is?


It still is… and it will be… until the very moment of the breakthrough.


Okay, I understand that you can’t reveal much. The etheric plane and the mental plane and the astral plane … are they looking pretty good or do the lower sub planes still need a bit of work?


There is still work that needs to be done but there is… I would say… gradual improvement on those planes.


Okay, and then, folks, if that’s making you feel a little impatient… again, join in the mass meditation. It’s the moment to seize. Really. In a big way. Okay, Cobra, can you briefly tell us – if you know at all – what’s the general feeling and morale at the moment with the Resistance Movement and any Confederation groups typically that the Pleiadians and Syrians …is there anything you can share with us on that?


Basically, we’re in the middle of a war…so they are not…they are focused on pushing through… they’re focused on creating the breakthrough. They have some quite exciting plans but those will be revealed with the time is right.


Yeah. And their morale is high?


Their morale is quite high. There are some concerns. But their overall outlook on the whole situation is quite positive.


Yeah. Definitely. But obviously still a little tense… especially when it comes to certain things, I assume…which is understandable. That’s the way war is. Okay, Cobra now …I just want to finish off with the fact that… and I’m saying this from the heart…you’ve provided the surface population with one of a kind intel that most of us haven’t been able to find or get from anywhere else… particularly the non-physical planes…the Chimera… plasma toplet bombs… and many aspects of the history of humanity. No for this… and several other reasons of course… and I’m sure I speak for everyone who has been following you for a while… we will never forget this and we love you for it… and don’t ever be disheartened or feel down about whatever disagreements or infighting may occur within the Lightworker network because the damage sustained by lightworkers since – and before - Atlantis has been insane … has been ridiculous… and I’m not surprised that the majority of lightworkers were rendered either inactive or too damaged to really function well. So I just want to finish on that note….and feel free to add anything you want to that very heartfelt expression of gratitude towards you.


Okay, thank you for that. I understand what the surface population went through - but I would need to add that my psychological makeup is a little bit different so I have to adjust to it in a certain way… to what’s going on here…. because to me it’s quite alien. Thank you very much. I would like to invite everybody to meditate – and participate in this particular moment – which is quite key and can influence to a great degree how future acceleration will happen. And Victory of the Light.


Indeed, folks, Victory of the Light. And this really is a huge, huge opportunity to accelerate the whole process of planetary liberation without the roughness…to still keep it as smooth as possible. So, Cobra, thank you for everything and stay strong and we’ll see you on the non-physical planes, as well, I guess, on the Lunar Eclipse.


Okay, I will be present. Basically I will be present in a certain way that is quite interesting.


Fantastic. That’s great. Thank you for your inspiration and we will talk again … hopefully soon after the Lunar Eclipse with some great news.


Okay. Okay. Very good.


Fantastic. Okay. There you go, folks, that was Cobra. We’re going to take a short musical break and I’ll be right back on the other side.

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.........Yours in service.........

The Unknown Lightwarrior


The host of Ground Crew Command Radio & organizer of the 144,000 Activation Campaign is The Unknown Lightwarrior: a member of a powerful team of Lightwarriors & Lightworkers who either remotely or in person, clear & restore to the Light; natural and man made power centers, vortexes, portals, ley-lines, control rooms, sacred geometry and all darkness obstacles on the etheric, astral, and plasma planes… to put you, me and the whole planet on the fastest timeline to the Event. To learn about the Global Leylines Tachyon Chamber Project, and/or the Activation of the 144,000 Campaign, or to access powerful healing (down to soul level) ... clearing ... energy surgery ... DNA Activation & psychic help, with Macro Level Light Beings to return to your power ... go to: https://www.4phasehealingsystem.com

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