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The Antarctica DUMBS 'adventure' by an unnamed Meditation Group

Writer: Jim TourtsakisJim Tourtsakis

On Monday Oct 11 ... a meditation group led by a person whom I will not name (because at least this person is taking action & showing leadership) focused on an [intuitively suspected] deadlock between the Earth Alliance & dark forces in major battles under Antarctica.

[Backdrop]: The Light Forces are making haste to clear the last 10% or so of DUMBS & tunnels across Gaia by November ... so that the surface Cabal can finally be finished off throughout November.

This Meditation Group did not take the time to go up to levels of Light that could protect them better ... and safely work from outside a quarantine sphere. And they did not take the necessary time to make sure the work was properly finished.

Reptilians that were remote-viewed by this group ... were not transmuted on-the-spot.

NOT good.

This got most Starseeds exposed.

My partner was participating in this meditation in real time, which I wasn't aware of. That's how I know all this.

So next thing I know, a massive crisis hit our humble household that sent us both for a loop ... as the vast multitudes of darkness, both physical & non-physical that were in these DUMBS, hit us like a freight train.

Most key or active Starseeds around the world ... got slammed.

It took an emergency session to transmute the insane amounts of darkness pouring out of these Antarctic DUMBS ... (because non-physical darkness tends to reside in the save haven fortifications of physical DUMBS).

This situation got so bad that Gaia's aura split open from the Pacific Ocean ... over Antarctica ... and well into the Indian Ocean towards Australia ... letting in even MORE darkness.


Partly because this risked another collapse of the Light grids, just as we were recovered from that ... all of which could've easily added another terrible delay to planetary Liberation.

Anyway ... it was all transmuted & Gaia's auric tear sealed.

Phew ...

Supposedly ... this could've resulted in a very bright silver lining in this dark cloud ... because it forced the Teams to get involved in this suspected deadlock in clearing the DUMBS under Antarctica & parts of southern Australia.

The point & lesson here is ... a more professional approach is now more paramount than ever to such operations.

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Yours In Service ...

The Unknown Lightwarrior


The host of Ground Crew Command Radio & organizer of the 144,000 Activation Campaign is The Unknown Lightwarrior: a member of a powerful team of Lightwarriors & Lightworkers who either remotely or in person, clear & restore to the Light; natural and man made power centers, vortexes, portals, ley-lines, control rooms, sacred geometry and all darkness obstacles on the etheric, astral, and plasma planes… to put you, me and the whole planet on the fastest timeline to the Event. To learn about the Global Leylines Tachyon Chamber Project, and/or the Activation of the 144,000 Campaign, or to access powerful healing (down to soul level) ... clearing ... energy surgery ... DNA Activation & psychic help, with Macro Level Light Beings to return to your power ... go to: https://www.4phasehealingsystem.com and/or 144kArmyofLight.org and/or



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